A story about an oyster and two fools

A story about an oyster and two fools

The fishermen. Two poor and hungry fishermen were arguing about who should eat an oyster but could not come to terms. They clearly needed advice but there was none at hand. ‘I saw it first’, said one. ‘But I picked it up’, said the other. ‘Yes, but that’s because I...
A story about hope in a maternity wing.

A story about hope in a maternity wing.

There’s always hope. I am sitting in a hospital lounge. I’m waiting to collect a friend I’ve brought in for a brief procedure for which he needs an anaesthetic and consequently needs someone to take him home. He’s aging. So am I. Right there in front of me...
A story about ANZAC DAY

A story about ANZAC DAY

ANZAC Day eve is a sobering time. It’s the eve of ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand – 25th of April – for most people a day more solemn than Easter, or even the anniversary of the death of a family member. It’s a weird thing. 100 years ago the ANZACs (an...
A story or two about Easter long weekends

A story or two about Easter long weekends

Isn’t the Easter Long Week End Just Perfect? Easter is brilliant, especially when it falls in April. As a kid you went on a church camp or a Scout or a Guides camp or a family camping trip or to the same holiday house the family went to every year since Federation....