A story sticks but do you know why?

A story sticks but do you know why?

In another post I told the story about my experience on the infamous morning after 911. I’ll never forget it. You might not recall but I do. ‘Would passenger Mohammed please identify himself to the cabin crew? Passenger Mohammed.’ I froze. Everyone...
A story about changing your life

A story about changing your life

Your brain is a busy little doohickey. It has not only captured everything you’ve ever been told, everything you’ve ever done, everything you’ve ever experienced, but it has catalogued it, filed it and archived it. Most amazing of all, your brain has...
A story about living happily ever after

A story about living happily ever after

In Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale of the Die goldene Gans (The Golden Goose) after many trials and enchantments the simple wood cutter wins the day, and the maiden AND the kingdom, and the story ends with the immortal lines, nach des Königs Tod erbte der Dummling das...