A life-time of putting a message over
I lay no claim to being the best or No#1 in the world (no-one else is either, BTW). My aim is to be the best I can be for you.
- I am a teacher, an author, a broadcaster, a professional speaker, TV performer and producer, a ventriloquist, a song writer.
- From 1985 Iʼve written and presented business training programs to major corporations on video and audio.
- Iʼve written ten books.
- I have a Master of Arts degree in creative writing.
- Iʼve spoken in 15 countries, 28 states of the USA, all over Australia and New Zealand.
- Iʼve had diverse audiences: kids on the story mat in Kenya to nuclear engineers in Florida.
- I’ve served as a director on five boards
- The Professional Speakers Association of Australia bestowed me with the John Nevin Award for services to speaking, and installed me into the Australian Speakers Hall of Fame.

Canʼt beat this for living well! Holidaying with The Lovely Christine on the Isle of Capri, Italy, between speaking engagements.
The ancient philosopher said, ‘Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips.’ (Proverbs 27[2, NIV)
So here is what others say:

Bill Vis, founder of V.I.P. Home Services would say, ‘Colin put us on the map with TV commercials in 1982 and has trained and consulted with us ever since. Then we had 15 franchises. Now weʼve got more than 1,000′

Bob Beaumont, Chair and CEO of Beaumont Tiles would say, ‘Colin has been with us since 1984, training, speaking and building training resources. Back then we had 1 store. Now weʼve got 100.ʼ

Amanda Kholer, Property and Commercial Manager First National would say, ‘It is hard to find all the words to describe my appreciation of your speaking other than “thank you to the crazy, fun loving, positive, energetic worldly-wise man who stood before us.ʼ

And my favourite: A little girl in Grade II at William Carey College NSW said, ‘My little bother thought you were well worth the $2 ticket.ʼ
Other personal stuff. I see myself primarily as a husband, father, grand father and friend. After that, everything is arguable.
Colin Pearceʼs family
My family The most important things in my life are faith, family and friends.
Iʼve been married to The Lovely Christine (Front R.) since 1972. (I know. She still looks about 20)
We have four very talented adult children, wonderful in-law kids and seven amazing grandies. Christine’s parents are still rollicking along into their 90s.